The Town Council of Windsor believes that investing in the health of its employees has many benefits and rewards. Workplace wellness not only ensures that employees spend their time at work in a safe and healthy environment, it also creates the foundation for them to lead a healthy lifestyle after hours, and reduces healthcare costs and absenteeism.
Through effective worksite programs, the Town was commended for assisting in reducing health risks and improving the quality of life for its employees by creating a supportive environment for them to make healthier lifestyle changes.
Town Manager Linda Kelly notes that the cornerstone of Town’s Employee Wellness Policy is the Wellness Reimbursement Program, which provides funding to each full-time employee for gym memberships, exercise/fitness classes and programs. Kelly notes, "Many employees attend fitness classes together, participate in walking groups, or take advantage of Town-sponsored wellness challenges." The Town also offers an Employee Assistance Program free of charge that has been utilized by employees and their family members.
Kelly further stated, "we’ve partnered with our unions and employee groups to create what webelieve is an incentive to place a priority on health and wellness. In this way, we are supporting our employees by helping them invest in their total health and overall quality of life."